Welcome EveryOne to Speak Out

This is a little space we will share who we know and who we dont know , interacting to each other contributing in comments, messages, topics of interests that would be discussed or researched, all kind of subjects regarding to not offend and use terms out of place , just keep in a friendly way for making Communications over the world wide as this quote of Friedman says:
Communication does not depend on syntax, or eloquence, or rhetoric, or articulation but on the emotional context in which the message is being heard. People can only hear you when they are moving toward you, and they are not likely to when your words are pursuing them. Even the choices words lose their power when they are used to overpower. Attitudes are the real figures of speech.

Just think that any message you can add can be heard or read , and dont forget the world starts from oneself , so dont forget to see the mirror before speaking out and may be many thoughts that are inside come up and help you and others .

we allow english and spanish languages also french and italian .
thank you very much
Best Wishes


Anonymous said…
Hello Silvia.
I will blog about immigration in the usa and how it seems we have the wrong policy's. All that are here should be made citizens so they pay taxes for the benefits they receive. Those that want to come must enter legally and all efforts shud be made to keep them out including building the fence on the borders. ty nyjake
Anonymous said…
Hello Silvia,

Awesome website/blog, very professionally done. I'm sure with your talents you will do very well in NYC.

My take on the economy is that the Govt is doing the precise wrong thing as far as bailing out industries that have not performed well over the past year. I see it as a way to consolidate businesses in all areas. If anyone should be bailed out its the people who will be paying for this with increased debt. If each household were to receive say $50,000 that money would be put into the economy and banks and stimulate both. The Govt is currently doing the opposite and will result in eventual collapse in due time in my opinion.

As far as immigration goes I support anyone that wants to come to America but legally. However this administration has not only secretly encouraged illegal immigration for the benefit of cheaper labor for the corporations. The borders have remained for the most part open, yet we are to believe we are fighting a war on terror. It would seem if Al Quaeda was such a threat. The best way to prevent such a group from entering our borders would be to close them.

Great messages to the wise. lol

aka Scott
Anonymous said…
Dear Silvia

Well you ask me in an interesting question which has lots of aspects.

Let’s start with the human side .. I would be a disaster if the three companies goes bankrupt . Many people would lose their job at once and would have a hard time surviving with difficulty to find jobs. Maybe even the illegal immigrants will feel it as well as in the end the “normal” americans will end up doing work that before they did not want to do and left for the illegal immigrants to do. As illegal immigrants are willing to work for a very low price that will cause problems in society . Already on the internet you can find article of immigrants (even legal ones) going back to their own country, as they are disappointed in the USA economy and the options to make good living.

Now for the more economic and rational side. Remember that I am more of a socialist than a liberal !
USA was a country for big spenders! They spend much more money than they earned. The most important question was to have and own a big car. With a big car, you have friends.As the dollar until a couple of years ago was a strong currency and the oil price was low, there was no need to look for quality cars that spend less fuel and pay more attention to the environment. Also the republican government did not force the car industry to invest in modern cars.
A mistake many companies make and certainly these three companies, is that their whole stragedy is based on growth of sales. They have no plans or no fall back ideas for scenarios when the growth is negative like it is right now. The so called risk management in the car industry in the USA did not exist.

Here in Europe and maybe also in Asia things were very different. Because of the strong dollar the oil price was high in the local currency. So driving a car more expensive. That increased the need to invest in cars that save more fuel and are environmentally well. Here in Europe people think more “green” , pay more attention to environmental issues. Remember the Tokio Treaty where all countries except USA agreed to improve the environment and force industry to adapt. As the car industry here had the time to innovate, the loss of jobs in car sector could be replaced by other jobs.
Also governments made hugh investment in trains and other means of transportation.
So the transition that USA now has to make in one month, has been made in years here in Europe and Asia. Sometimes ten little blows and better to handle than one really big one.

Now that the bankcrises affects the income of the american people, they now have to pay more attention to spending their money. Are more interested in cars that don’t spend as much fuel. And then they automatically end up with european and asian cars. So the big fuel spending cars from USA are hard to sell at the moment.
The bankcrises in itself is also a masterexample of american greed. Everyone needed to have a home of their own. So even the ones with bad credit could get a mortgage . And then the interest rates go up and then they cannot pay anymore the debt on the mortgage.
The whole way of thinking is based on the fact that when things go well, people don’t pay attention to what could happen when things take a turn for the wrong side. Here in Europe we tend to think more conservative or negative if you like
When people here in Europe take a mortgage there is still large amount of people that preferes to pay 4% for the first ten years and then look again, than to pay 3% for 2 years and then look again, with the risk that in 2 years time the interest jumps to 5,5% while on the other hand your salary doesn’t go up with the same amount.

Well that is a little how I think..

In my eyes it is big difference in culture between american way of life and the rest of the world way of life.

Kiss, Hans, Amsterdam
Anonymous said…
Words, words, words, many times spoken but rarely heard. Like all great communications the medium is the message. The body talks with not one vowel or a single consonant yet with a simple body stance the underlying message is heard loud and clear. Listen well but wath closer.
Anonymous said…
About Bailout and Carmakers
In principal, no…the government should not bail them out for the following reasons:

a) These companies have not had good business policies which is why they are losing $$

b) They make a bad product (inferior cars to imported cars such as the Japanese

c) The union (UAW) that backs the employees has become too strong in demanding what the employees earn

d) The executives make way too much $$


If these companies go out of business, it will be a crushing blow to the economy due to the number of feeder business that will shut down and thus the number of jobs that will be lost. The feeder businesses include the auto part stores, supply companies as well as repair and manufacturing companies. Jobs lost means a deeper recession, more housing foreclosures, less money spent in the economy and a down turn of the stock market which is very dangerous for older people living off 401K plans. And although these companies should file for bankruptcy protection, scale down and reorganize to stay alive (like any other company would be forced to do), for right now the jobs need to stay in place.

I’m sure you would hear many arguments the other way…this is just my opinion.

So..there you have it!!
Alan !
Anonymous said…
hay sil , your blog has a women touch . i'am blogging about how can a 47 your old women look so good
pepa urrea said…
SIL, la muy inconsciente, me pidió que colaborase. Aquí va alguito. Nada tiene que ver con el tema económico que estuvieron analizando los demás (la economía me abruma, y sus resultados en la vida me abruman más todavía). No sé bien bajo qué categoría cae lo que va a continuación. Fue escrito a fines de los noventa, pero todavía nos las tenemos que ver con este tipo de cosas:


“Buenos días, mi nombre es Jéssica, ¿en qué lo puedo ayudar?” Antes de llegar a esta frase-oasis, fue necesario recorrer un largo camino por el desierto de los contestadores. Primero, el mensaje de bienvenida y después... Después, la angustiante lista de opciones. Si desea identificarse por número telefónico, presione 1. Si prefiere su número de cliente, presione 2. Ahí es donde se abre otro abismo con forma de abanico: si desea adquirir alguno de nuestros nuevos servicios, presione 1. Por supuesto. Si desea consultar su estado de cuenta, presione 2... y la lista sigue, y lo que en realidad presiona es ese dolorcito que asoma en la base de la nuca, hasta que aparece la opción verdaderamente deseada, allá al borde de los dos dígitos. Y la nuca se resiente un poco más, castigada por la pseudomúsica de espera, y un poco más todavía al oír “todos nuestros operadores se encuentran ocupados, aguarde un instante, por favor”. Pero finalmente, ¡finalmente!, surge Jéssica y el alma vuelve al cuerpo de uno.
Y entonces uno, lleno de esperanza, le explica su problema a Jéssica, pero el oasis resulta ser un espejismo cruel. Porque Jéssica, con su voz entrenada en cortesía inocua, recita el texto del día. Invariable, implacable, inmutable, ineficaz. Y uno cuelga, deja caer los hombros y mira sin ver el desierto a su alrededor. Uno piensa en la esperanza que Jéssica acaba de aniquilar, en el tiempo perdido en cada una de las nueve opciones, en el problema con el cual sigue teniendo que cargar. Uno se pregunta cuál es la maldita diferencia entre usuario y cliente, se da cuenta de que no la hay, de que nunca la hubo. Uno descubre que es un punto a merced de las grandes empresas, y que éstas maquillan con amabilidad inoperante la superficie de lo que se atreven a llamar “atención al cliente”. Los logos son muy bonitos, las oficinas luminosas e impecables, los empleados son solícitos, pero al problema de uno le crecen el pelo y las uñas mientras espera ser resuelto.
Como dice la canción, “está legal, está legal, acepto el argumento” de que estamos en la era de la imagen. Acepto la importancia desmesurada que la imagen consiguió para sí, y de hecho formo parte de la masa que sucumbe a ella de todas las maneras posibles, todos los días, en todos los ámbitos. Acepto casi sin pestañear la trayectoria errática y rapidísima de las cámaras en cualquier programa de TV que se precie, hasta en los de cocina. Acepto con perfecta naturalidad los frecuentes cambios de diagramación de los diarios, que en su desesperación por evitar la deserción de los lectores, agregan colores y fotos y demás anzuelos. Acepto todos los trucos vistosos y deslumbrantes de las páginas Web cuando se van abriendo, aunque tarden dos o tres eternidades y en el trayecto me impongan publicidades que no pedí.
Acepto, aunque no las acompañe, a todas esas personas que acuden a los gimnasios como en procesión, botellita de agua en mano, para saltar y chivar y doblarse y estirarse de modos imposibles, todo en nombre de forjar y sostener una imagen corporal presentable (porque no creo que alguien todavía compre el cuento de la vida sana y demás justificaciones). Acepto que, a estas alturas, si no te producís no existís, y acepto, con cierto temor indefinible, que hasta mi sobrina, la Princesita Boca Sucia, salga producida a sus tres años de vida. Con una sensación que es mezcla de risa y vergüenza no tan ajena, acepto el cartel ovalado que indica que ésa es la Casa Rosada y no la Blanca, aunque se le quiera parecer hasta en el mencionado cartel. Hasta acepto la insana ocurrencia de permitirnos observar por televisión, 24/7 (en el improbable caso de que aguantáramos tanto), a un grupo de personas haciendo que llevan una vida.
Tendremos que aceptarlo porque, según parece, no nos queda otra. Pero de ahí a compartir semejante concepto, hay un largo trecho: un camino que va bajando desde esas lindas capas de la superficie, atravesando inconsistencias de lo más prolijas, y buscando lo real, lo que es, lo que en verdad hay. Francamente, no sé si me atrevo a tomar ese camino. Porque se ve muy lindo todo, pero si nos ponemos a escarbar un poco, si apartamos la cobertura, si se nos ocurre hacerle a Jéssica un planteo imprevisto ¿con qué decepciones nos encontraremos?
Anonymous said…
People dont seem to realize that that the drug companies and insurance companies are in bed together so to say. Why one type of medicine is covered and another for the same purpose is not. That most insurances have their formulary drugs, the drugs that they want you to use when a prescription is needed. Not necessarily the best one for that particular patient, but the one in the formulary list. Their formulary drugs being the drugs manufactured by the companies that they are doing business with. The drug companies also court the doctors with gifts and
incentives for promoting and prescribing their drugs.
And then there is the insurance companies putting pressure on the doctors to prescribe over the counter medications since then the people will have to pay for it out of their own pockets not in combination with the insurance. Keeping track of how many patients the doctor sees and how many prescriptions he writes and for what drugs. Rewards and Punishment system I would call it, by controlling the medical industry and how we are cared for nonetheless. And now many companies want you to mail away for your medications. Mailing away creating much added work on your part to get the medication, making the whole deal of becoming healthy more difficult. Think of the elderly who are the main consumers of long term prescriptions. The long term medications being the types that you have to send away for. The elderly who many have lost their capacity to be able to do the job of understanding and mailing away with prescriptions. So then do without. So once again this is to the insurance companies benefit. Why shouldnt their local pharmacy be allowed to fill their prescriptions for the same copay .
I dont know how we ever got along without prescription insurance before Reagan's time. We did do it. Now that's not to say that we dont need insurance, some of the medications are very pricy. But there needs to be a better more effective system where everyone can get the care that is needed, without creating monopolies that control all our decisons and quality of life. FRIZZY163
Anonymous said…
I was told that the reason doctors do not make house calls is because they do not carry their equipment on their backs. While this makes sense to a certain point, there are some maladies that require only an antibiotic. The patient would probably be better off staying in bed awaiting a doctor than being dragged out into the cold for this simple treatment.

The equipment needed for blood tests is not cumbersome and so blood can also be taken at the patients bedside. Naturally more involved tests need to be taken in the doctors office or a laboratory situation.

With regard to pharmaceuticals, it is said that the first pill costs 400 billion dollars and the rest cost 4 cents. If the company is involved in research and development we can all see the truth to this. If the government involved itself in the R&D medicines would be a lot less expensive than they are now. The private companies need to recoup their original investment and make a profit. We have all seen that after a certain number of years, there are generics of many medicines and they cost a lot less.

Gary Baumgarten said…
Here in the United States, I am convinced that the auto industry wouldn't be on the verge of a collapse if there were national health care.

Of course, there is always a cost of health care. And what doesn't come from the sticker price of the vehicle then would come off the backs of the American workers in the form of taxes.

Still, were it not for the medical benefits afforded current and former salaried and union workers, in all likelihood General Motors and Chrysler would be more competitive today.

The net value to the nation of national health care might have outstripped the costs.
Anonymous said…
A particular concern of mine is mental health. In this country mental health benefits do not have parity with physical health benefits. Most insurance policies cover physical health benefits covered completely, or almost completely,and offer a maximum of 30 days of mental health benefits.

So if you have Schizophrenia, paranoia, bipolar disorder, or PTSD as many of our returning soldiers will have, you'd better get well in 30 days or learn to howl at the moon.

Anonymous said…
Yes sylvia but not only our returning soldiers may be of some degree bipolar becoming paranoid at times without due cause. Pressure placed by people on civilians, whether intentional or not, creates a similar stress and erratic behavior. Maybe we have to take a step back before we act. Look at the situation and what is presented to us before we make a decision for the best course of action. Take a look at the big picture. Giving the wrong prescription can be very costly for all of those involved. FRIZZY163
Anonymous said…
Gauchiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, que blog más pompopso para dejarte saludo pero bue.
Estamos algo dispersos distanciados o no se que, igual yo te quiero muchísimo, me acuerdo de esas noches de blues que volaban flotando de sensaciones copadas. Me acuerdo de todas esas lindas noches de charlas amanecidas y de que sos un bombón mal.
Espero que tengas unas fiestas lindísimas rodeada de los tuyos con mucho afecto amor y champancitos. Besotes enormes, Juanse.
Anonymous said…
Holidays of the past, present & Future.

I would like to wish everyone a very joyous Holiday Season and prosperous New Year and to all your loved ones as well. The holiday seasons to me, has always been a time to spend with family, friends and those most important in our lives, and being thankful for who and what we have.

The Holiday's today have become something entirely different it seems. We have allowed it to become a huge bonanza for the retail industry. One that now feeds on our new found desires to purchase the latest and best marketed products for those we care about.

The frenzy created by the retailer's and media even cost one person their life. During the madness of Black Friday a Walmart store employee was trampled to death. People waiting for the store to open became so impatient, they actually broke the doors before it opened. I often wonder how that store employee's family must be celebrating this holiday.

There are signs this maybe changing. With the economic downturn and dismal sales being reported nationwide. Many retail chain will be forced to scale back operations and likely will announce thousands of store closings after the first of the year. As bad as that news may be for the economy and the thousands of employees it will effect.

But it's my hope, that it may also be the first step of many toward restoring the true meaning and celebration the holiday's were meant to be. Be thankful today for what you have. Taking it for granted, may find your not so blessed tomorrow.

Happiest of Holiday's to everyone.