January 20th 2009, One Great Icon in History of United States -The Renaissance

Will be the major concentration in the History in Washington, it will be expected between 4 and 5 million people , the last one was when Lyndon Johnson assumed in 1965, with 1,2 million people .
Barack Obama will swear at the Capitolio stairs desafying the cold weather , he will swear over the Bible which was used by Abraham Lincoln in 1861, main figure who abolished the slavery who he most admires. Invocation and Blessing will be the main parts of the protocol.
All security systems are organized and the presence of Media to be shown over the world .
Obama said his goverment will be a renaissance and he asked to people to not lose the hopes he recognize that his nation is in war , the economy in the biggest crisis since the Depression 1930, million people are losing their jobs and homes and people feel insecure and anxious for solutions , he said this is the challenge that he will face talking in plural as We are the nation, that it will take time to solve ,but he stands on the hopes and belief what United States is capable to do, he remarked as George Washington , Lincoln y Franklin D. Roosvelt and Martin Luther King as real references of Hope .
The nice round number—100—was like gum on the shoe of presidential newbies. Barack Obama and his people have tried to win a longer time horizon; they prefer to be judged on year one. But even that reflects an understanding that, in this game, most scoring takes place in the first quarter.
Today, the President-elect will be putting the final touches to his inaugural address. Like Lincoln and Roosevelt, he is a natural orator of exceptional gifts. His speeches will allow him to persuade the public to support his policies. He has the gifts of eloquence, humour and sympathy; these aspects of eloquence, and particularly humour
A change of leadership in Washington will not lift this burden. In this new century, Americans and Europeans alike will be required to do more, not less.”
Invoking the fall of the Berlin Wall after the historic call by President Ronald Reagan at the nearby Brandenburg Gate, Obama declared that the greatest danger now “is to allow new walls to divide us from one another.”

“The walls between old allies on either side of the Atlantic cannot stand,” he said. The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes, natives and immigrants, Christians and Muslims and Jews cannot stand. These now are the walls we must tear down.”
Obama asserted: “I know my country has not perfected itself.”

“But I also know how much I love America,” he said. “We are a people of improbable hope. With an eye towards the future, with resolve in our heart, let us remember this history, and answer our destiny, and remake the world once again.”

Obama’s sweeping vision also includes:

— "This is the moment when we must renew the goal of a world without nuclear weapons."

— "This is the moment we must help answer the call for a new dawn in the Middle East."
"America has no better partner than Europe. Now is the time to build new bridges across the globe as strong as the one that bound us across the Atlantic. Now is the time to join together, through constant cooperation, strong institutions, shared sacrifice, and a global commitment to progress, to meet the challenges of the 21st century.”

— “My country must stand with yours and with Europe in sending a direct message to Iran that it must abandon its nuclear ambitions.”

— “The world should support the millions of Iraqis who seek to rebuild their lives, even as we pass responsibility to the Iraqi government and finally bring this war to a close.”

Barack Obama clearly understands this. As an African-American (literally, since his father was from Kenya) his background is not one of privilege and superiority. He will be open to the world
he will show once again the value of the American dream.
This is no guarantee that he will be a success as president

But the outside world is set to be delighted by Barack Obama's victory. And its view of America will change accordingly.

By Stephanie


Fawn said…
If not for the simple fact that our image has changed for the better (slightly), is good enough reason to rally behind Obama and his family to make sure our country heals in so many areas (diplomacy just being one of them).
Anonymous said…
well most people positive but everyone understands he can not do miracles
usa to many problems to solve within their own country so there will be hardly time to help with poblems in other countries
he hasnot shown any deeds so ffar so you cannot know what his strong and weak points are;
he can give good speeches but with good speeches you don't solve any problems
i would say first show some deeds and then we will see
i am the kind of person who prefers actions better than smooth talking
would not buy something from him sa he is too smooth
he cannot solve all the problems of the usa ; but no one can.needs a lot of time
first you have to get the economy growing i think; then get people with low income get a job so they don't get into poverty; think about rebalancing the social system; pension system; mortgage system; creditcard system
when people get richer they forget the problems they had and start living the way they did in the past
americans think about money; and when they have money they dont care about a good system; but when they loose money they wished they had a good system
to have a good social or pension system you need to have some kind of solidarity in the society
america doesnt have that
Hans from HOlland
Anonymous said…
As someone who did not vote for him, I must say that I have been quite impressed with Obama so far. Granted, we're only on day two of his presidency, but thus far he has shown himself to be competent, deliberative and acutely aware of his possibilities and constraints. He will have a difficult time balancing the demands of those in his coalition, including folks like me who didn't vote for him. The far left will want radical change, while the middle and right will urge restraint and moderation. I can only hope, but I also believe that Obama will effectively balance these competing demands in a way tha the believes will be in the broader interests of the nation as a whole. Good luck, Mr. President.
Anonymous said…
Hey Silvia…

Yes…a great day yesterday….GOODBYE BUSH….!!! It is so nice to know that Obama is now our President…..I don’t have much input with the studios here to be honest……..I used to many years ago but not any longer
Go Obama!!

Anonymous said…
Well I am feeling that Obama may be the one who can bring our country out of the recession/depression and bring us back into the world community. He was dealt a very weak hand. But a true leader in spite of short falls, will rise to the occasion. He becomes the man the people look up to and need.
It will not be an easy task to turn around our economy. But I believe he is beginning to make some decisions to ignite the fire. Giving money in order to fix and build our infrastructure, he is creating jobs, jobs for the production of the materials needed and jobs for the creation of the final projects.
Now people may argue that how is he getting the money to do that? Is he creating it? Is he taxing us more for it? And the answer maybe yes to a bit in either case. But if you dont do something like this to stimulate the economy, the whole system will come to a halt. People will be afraid to spend, production will cut back , needing less materials for the production, even more jobs will be lost, and more businesses will fail. So the government infusing some cash into the system, rather than just handing over tax rebates, will keep the system running. We need the economy to be circulating. Liken it to the human body: the heart is our government, which then will pump the cash into the system to keep the whole country,body, working.
He also acted to freeze white house aid salaries. He is going to bailout the auto industry, it is just too big to let fall, but I hope he learned from the mistake of how the bank bailout was handled. That he should demand for them to have a documented plan of what is to be done to resurrect our auto industry, and how they will use the money in just doing that along with a repayment schedule. Just like any other individual who takes out a loan. Otherwise as with the banking industry it just put off the inevitable and we will still have the bankrupcies. We will still have job loss. And they will still fail.
In his speech he spoke to us as we the people who will have to work together to make this country great. Maybe that is the message that we all should take with us. We arent to be looking for "The One" to change the world, but that we the people united are "The One" that can bring peace and prosperity.FRIZZY163