Quantum technology goals

Quantum computing is the combination of quantum computer and quantum theory (atomic and subatomic) levels. Quantum computer is a device which is used for computation that makes the direct use of quantum mechanical phenomenon such as entanglement and superposition to perform operations on different kinds of data. The quantum computer, following the laws of quantum physics, would gain enormous processing power through the ability to be in multiple states, and to perform tasks using all possible permutations simultaneously
Current centers of research in quantum computing include MIT, IBM, Oxford University, and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. A quantum computer is nothing like a classical computer in design. These computers cannot build by using transistors and diodes. In order to built a quantum computer a new technology is needed which can enables the ‘qubits’ and superposition of 0 and 1 state. The best method of achieving this goal is still unknown, but many methods are being experimented with and are proving to have varying degrees of success. The two essential components of building a quantum computer are Quantum dots and Quantum liquids.

Quantum computer is historically based on Church Turing principle i.e. “There exists or can be built a universal quantum computer that can be programmed to perform any computational task that can be performed by any physical object”. It was first discovered by Richard Feynman in 1982 and David Albert made the second discovery in 1984 when he described a 'self measuring quantum automaton'. The final and perhaps most important discovery of quantum computing was made by David Deutsch in 1989, he proved that all the computational capabilities of any finite machine obeying the laws of quantum computation are contained in a single machine called as a 'universal quantum computer.

Applications of Quantum Computing:

There are many applications but some valuable applications are, due to its high speed it really applicable on different aspects of technologies. Basically laws of quantum are based on Superposition Principle i.e. atoms are present in many form of energy. Quantum computers are able to perform non classical logic operations and can be used to solve computationally intractable problems that cannot be solved by conventional massively parallel supercomputers. One of the major applications of quantum computing is Data encryption.

Advantages and Disadvantages:                                           
There are different advantages and disadvantages of quantum computers. Researchers are really enjoying the success in the field of quantum computing. The quantum computers power to perform calculations across a multitude of parallel universes gives it the ability to quickly perform tasks that classical computers will never be able to practically achieve. Some algorithms that are extremely difficult to formulate can be formulate with the help of quantum computing, quantum communication allows information to be sent without eavesdroppers listening undetected. At the same time where it has different advantages it also have some disadvantages like, during the computation phase of a quantum calculation, the slightest disturbance in a quantum system, decoherence makes them too fragile to be practical, qubits are not digital bits of data communication, thus they cannot use as conventional error correction etc

Future of Quantum Computing:                                                                                       

The future of quantum computing is very bright because it is applicable on every field of quantum physics. There are some notable barriers accept different forms of error correction and the development of software. We need lot of expense to achieve such goal. If we work with such devotion in the field of quantum computing we can achieve all technologies of the world.
